1:1 Breathwork Private Sessions

1:1 Breathwork Private Sessions, available both in person and online through Zoom.

Vivian leads you on a path of self-discovery and healing, guiding you to discover your own inner healer. Through harnessing the transformative power of your breath, she guides you in releasing the frequencies of stress, anxiety, depression and trauma which have been stored in the body, and to restore greater balance, harmony, vitality, self-worth and self-love.

Private Group
Breathwork Sessions

Private Group Breathwork Sessions led by Vivian.

Share a transformative experience with friends, family, or colleagues in the comfort of a private setting. Harness the collective energy as you breathe and raise your frequency together.

Breathwork Mentorship & Training Program

Become a Breathwork Facilitator.

Learn the art of guiding others through transformative breathwork experiences, enabling them to lead lives filled with vitality and purpose.